Hocus Pocus!

Yah, Yah, tommorow is Halloween! It’s the one day of the year that we all dress up like crazy people in crazy costumes…and we all pretend that we are someone or something else. It’s the one day of the year when we all can let our guard down, and have fun being someone were not…well because everyone else is doing it. That brings me to my point today!

EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING IT! I have been saved since I was five years old…and I’ve been a Christian for many years. In my relationship with God I’ve realized that if I do what everyone else is doing every Sunday, then more than likely I’m going to be in a so so relationship with God.

See many people are going to church every Sunday to the churchy routine…but they don’t pray daily, read their Bibles daily, witness daily, and worship daily they just wait till Sunday or when something tragic or bad happens to them then they cry out to God! Another words a “HOCUS POCUS” relationship!

A relationship with God has to be more than a perfect magic trick or remedy…it has to be stirred and added to with personal time with the Lord. Many want God only when things are wrong or not working out the way they think it should…but if you really love God you would step into a NEW THING! Not a religion but a relationship!

So just saying…im sick of a “HOCUS POCUS” relationship with God…I want the real thing! DO you?

Keep working on your relationship with God…it never really is where it needs to be you always need MORE!

Published by ravencannon

I'm a mother, wife, daughter, Pastor, and devoted Christian! I love to go get my toe nails painted, watch the Golden Girls, and play with my two awesome kids. I have a devoted husband who makes me laugh out loud a lot! I'm happy because I have Jesus living in my heart. I believe God is calling out an Unshakeable generation and we are becoming!

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