I’ve Never seen a Pumpkin before!!!

Just yesterday, me and Violet went to Chick-Fil-A for a fall festival they were having on family night. When we walked in kids were everywhere, and they were painting the cutest little pumpkins. So they asked me if Violet would like to paint a pumpkin, and I said absolutely since Violet was amazed at the sight of pumpkins and kids running around everywhere. We get to the table and this is the picture that the Gadsden Times put in the Wednesday morning paper of Violet’s face the first time she encountered a pumpkin.

When I saw this picture of my beautiful baby girl in the paper it made me cry and got real excited at the same time. I cried because well she is a Miracle and a beautiful gift from the Lord, but I got excited as I looked at her face in this picture. See Violet has never seen a pumpkin until yesterday! This pumpkin she greeted with enthusiasm, excitement, and curiosity. She was not afraid to encounter something new and different in her life. Today we need to think about how we live. Are we in a rut, do we do the same things everyday in the same order, do we encounter new adventures.

To live like Violet or any child we need to be a little more curious and spontaneous and live life to the fullest. No, I’m not saying we should try everything because some things in life are not meant to be touched. What I am saying is greet new things in your life like this picture, with enthusiasm, excitement and curiosity. Once Violet got her hands on that Pumpkin things were new and different. She encountered something COOL! What will you encounter today that will be an adventure for you? Let God lead you to new things!

Published by ravencannon

I'm a mother, wife, daughter, Pastor, and devoted Christian! I love to go get my toe nails painted, watch the Golden Girls, and play with my two awesome kids. I have a devoted husband who makes me laugh out loud a lot! I'm happy because I have Jesus living in my heart. I believe God is calling out an Unshakeable generation and we are becoming!

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