My friends say my CROSS is an X

Raven Cannon logoOn my way home tonight my very intelligent 4-year-old shared this story with me. This was our conversation about Jesus.

Violet: Mom, my friends say my cross is an x.
Me: what do you tell them when they say that?
Violet: I tell them that it’s a cross.
Me: who died on the cross Violet?
Violet: Jesus
Me: Why did he do that?
Violet: for my sins
Me: that’s right Violet
Violet: Mom, my friends say Jesus is not real
Me: Really? What do you tell them?
Violet: that Jesus is real
Me: How do you know Jesus is real?
Violet: because he lives in my heart and in the sky, and JESUS IS EVERYWHERE

So during this conversation with my little one I just realized that my daughter knows more about Jesus than many people who think they know everything there is to know about God. She knows the solid truth and that’s all she knows and she believes and she needs no further evidence! Now that is a stop your life for just a minute kind of moment, take a deep breath, and realize Jesus died for you, the price has been paid for your sins, and he is present all the time in every way. There is no other reason to try to make it complicated!

If we could all just get it like this 4-year-old then we wouldn’t have an issue believing in the cross and defending it!

She defended her cross! In her little mind that cross represents her faith in Jesus Christ and nothing can “X” that out!


Published by ravencannon

I'm a mother, wife, daughter, Pastor, and devoted Christian! I love to go get my toe nails painted, watch the Golden Girls, and play with my two awesome kids. I have a devoted husband who makes me laugh out loud a lot! I'm happy because I have Jesus living in my heart. I believe God is calling out an Unshakeable generation and we are becoming!

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